Mobs, Barricades, & Schools – Oh My!
Barricade on the way to village.
We arrived in Bhagalpur late last Monday night, nearly past midnight. It took much longer to get there than any of us had imagined. 16 hours to be exact, about six more than what was projected.We had the usual mishaps along the way! And by usual, I mean in the Nepalese sense. Possibly for any other country, what we encountered would be quite unusual.
Assassinations, Strikes and Roadblocks:
Shortly after our departure, a Banda was called in response to an assignation attempt on three leaders of the Maoists Party. If you recall, the Maoists were responsible for the overthrow of the King in 2006. They rebelled for the decade prior seeking political and social change. The Maoists were the peasants who saw a change in leadership ideal for their voice as commoners. Through propaganda (some believe), the rest of society was convinced of the need for this revolution.
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