What the Orphan Home Needs
Dry Food: We are buying a month’s supply of rice and flour, because they are down to their last bag. This should cost roughly $400.
Lice Problem: All the children have lice. Today we will buy medicine.
Dying Chickens: The chickens are the one of the orphanage’s main sources of income. They have about 200 chickens but most are sick and/or dying because they are are festering in their current conditions with minimal air circulation. The plan is to build a new coop with different compartments, so that the floors can be cleaned more often, while housing no more than 25-50 chickens per compartment. In addition, we will add air circulation through the new structure.
Broken Window Screens / Doors: All the windows have broken screens. This is a safety problem for the kids who stick their hands through and get cut. In addition, several tin doors are corroding making it also a dangerous situation for the children.