Kara Flynn is our Fundraising Co-Chairperson and Community Outreach liaison for the Global Orphan Prevention Associate Board.
The Associate Board is comprised of talented individuals between the ages 21-45 who help create more powerful impact within our Denver community, bring awareness to our mission, and help reach that coveted Millennial demographic.
As our Fundraising Co-Chair, Kara has helped drive Global Orphan Prevention sponsorship and ticket sales efforts through our Passport2Freedom Gala, among others.
Kara has really stepped up in her leadership, helping inspire and guide others towards a selfless life of serving others and our planet. We wanted to sit down with Kara to find out what makes her tick.
What do people often thank you for?
Genuinely listening, helping, inspiring, and empowering them.
What do you see as your place or purpose in life? How did you come to that conclusion?
To be an example of Light & Love. Excited about the beautiful and unexpected ways this comes through.
What’s your favorite aspect about being involved with GlobalOP? And what are your current or former duties?
Fav- Making a difference. Brand ambassador/ Community outreach/ Events/ Marketing/ Promotion. And most recently, Co-Chair of Fundraising & Sponsorships.
If Global Orphan Prevention were to be on the cover of your favorite magazine in five years, what would the story be about?
Empowering children, reuniting families, contributing towards the global prevention of sex trafficking, empowering kids to see their light & achieve their dreams. Raised millions of dollars. Have brought awareness to this issue. Facilitated many projects that have empowered, educated, and brought economic development to the children & families that need it the most!
What do you feel have been the important successes in your life? The frustrations?
Frustrations: I’d say more along the lines of what makes me sad: kids being disempowered. All humans feeling disconnected. People not having the basic skills to deal with the ups & downs of life. Losing touch with people. Having family and friends transition to the other side. Seeing ones I love struggle. Learning to ride the waves of life.
Successes: Founding many groups & businesses dedicated to helping people connect within themselves, with others, and with God. Traveling. Meeting thousands of people & making an impact. Changing people’s perception & lives. The amazing people I met on my winding spiral spiritual journey and the tools and awareness I’ve gained from my spiritual connection, practice, path. All the ones I’ve loved, have loved me, and we taught each other lessons.
My Family: who has always supported me and had my back, no matter what. My amazing, loving, supportive boyfriend Kyle who I am unbelievably grateful for and is way beyond what I could have imagined in a partner and our puppy Tank who daily teaches us valuable lessons on unconditional love, innocence, cherishing the small things, having fun and enjoying the present moment. Last but not least, my phenomenal, bright-lighted mentor, Bob, who has taught me that anything is possible, especially when you have a heart for loving, forgiving, healing, helping others, and shining in your divine purpose.
What would be your advice to younger generations about learning about causes, getting involved, and doing something about it?
So important! Getting involved is the key and can be life changing. Find a cause that you are interested in, you feel curious & passionate about, and the time you spend doing it- lights you up! It’s a great way to meet other awesome, like-minded people, who share similar values, and are passionate about making a difference.
Anything else you want to talk about?
Final words of wisdom: You.. right now.. as you are.. can make a huge difference! You have many gifts within you that have the capability to help and heal yourself, help and heal others, and help and heal the world. Never underestimate the power when like-minded individuals collaborate for a higher good. Choose love over fear. Do what makes your soul happy. Trust the right people are being brought into your life, at the right time. Have faith, and keep doing the good work. Keep shining bright- the world needs you! Love, Light, and Blessings to you all. Xo Kara
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