Tappu School Project – Back for the finish!


POKHARA, NEPAL — I arrived in Nepal last Friday and have been busy getting the ball rolling so we can begin the construction of the school.

Since we began Phase I of the school project last Summer, we have successfully raised enough money over this past year to start Phase II!  It was a community effort that brought in the bulk of the funding through our Musicians for Nepal Benefit held on April 5th in Breckenridge Colorado.

Six bands and solo acts performed live music well into the night.  Breckenridge Distillery donated cases of bourbon and vodka, 100s of business owners around the county donated raffle and silent auction prizes including Breckenridge Outfitters while Napper Tandy’s donated the door cover and a portion of alcohol sales.  We were more than grateful to have a match of US$5,000 from the owners of Grand Lodge on Peak 7, located in Breckenridge.

Because of the generosity of the Breckenridge community, and several additional private donations from individuals all over the U.S. and world, we were able to successfully raise enough money to finish the school project that was started last summer!

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